Gasum acquires biogas filling station in Joensuu from Wega Group

The station offers compressed biogas, but Gasum is planning an expansion to enable distributing liquefied biogas already during 2025.

December 22, 2024. Nordic energy company Gasum is expanding its biogas refueling network to the Finnish city of Joensuu at the beginning of next year. Gasum is acquiring a biogas filling station from Wega Group.

The ownership of the station will transfer to Gasum on 1.1.2025, but Wega Group will continue to operate the station for a few weeks in order to make the transfer of control as seamless as possible. Biogas deliveries to the station will continue from the BioKymppi biogas plant in Kitee, as before.

At the moment, it is possible to fill up with compressed biogas (CBG) from the station. CBG is suitable for refueling passenger cars and lighter commercial vehicles, such as buses and refuse collection trucks.

Gasum is, however, planning to construct liquefied biogas (LBG) filling equipment on the site during 2025. This will enable the refueling of heavy-duty vehicles.

“Biogas refueling possibilities are still limited in Eastern Finland, and there are practically no LBG filling stations. The acquisition of the station is an excellent opportunity for Gasum to expand its filling station network also in the eastward direction. The demand for biogas is growing throughout the country – the City of Joensuu is investing in gas-fueled low-emission bus services, for example. Our task is to ensure that the availability of biogas continuously improves for our customers,” says Juho Kurra, Head of Business, Traffic Finland, Gasum.

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