ATU proposes more incentives for authorized routes that opt ​​for CNG and electric or hybrid vehicles

Operators of mixed vehicle fleets, that is, both CNG and electric or hybrid vehicles, will also be allowed to have this benefit.

August 3, 2024. With the aim of giving a greater boost to the renewal of the vehicle fleet with clean technologies, the Peruvian Urban Transport Authority for Lima and Callao (ATU) proposed making modifications to its regulations of the Exceptional Regime for Granting or Renewing Authorizations for the Provision of the Regular Public Transport Service, published in September of last year.

In this regard, the ATU provides for the pre-publication of the proposed modifications, in order to receive comments from the public for a period of 10 calendar days.

Among the planned modifications, a new incentive scheme is proposed for the expansion of the authorizations requested under the regulations that regulate the Exceptional Regime for Granting or Renewing Authorizations for the Provision of the Regular Public Transport Service in the territory of jurisdiction of the ATU.

Currently, the regulation provides that operators receive additional years of authorization based on the percentage of CNG or electric vehicles they incorporate. With the proposed modification, operators of mixed vehicle fleets, that is, both CNG and electric or hybrid vehicles, will also be allowed to have this benefit.

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