Chilean natural gas companies launch podcast on their role in energy evolution

The Association of Natural Gas Companies launched the podcast “Talking is Natural”, a program dedicated to explaining natural gas in depth.

August 2, 2024. The Association of Natural Gas Companies (AGN) launched the podcast “Talking is Natural”, a program dedicated to explaining natural gas in depth and which, through various experts in the sector, addresses topics such as its operation, its contribution to the Chilean energy matrix, its benefits in reducing emissions and its role in the “energy evolution” process.

With the country’s current focus on increasing renewable energy sources and leaving behind the use of fossil fuels such as coal and diesel, natural gas is an alternative to facilitate this process, thanks to its low environmental impact, extensive infrastructure existing in the country and the effectiveness of the supply to reach different areas of the Chilean territory.

Carlos Cortés Simón, President of the AGN, points out that “the event will allow people who are not involved in the energy industry to know and understand how it works. In this way, through simple explanations, auditors will be able to better understand the contribution that LNG makes to our energy matrix, its great values ​​and how essential it is to provide security to our system.”

The program is hosted by the renowned scientist and doctor in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Catholic University, Gabriel León. In it, he meets with various actors within the natural gas industry and in its first chapter, Lucía Sánchez, a chemical analyst at GNL Quintero, was invited to discuss what natural gas is, what its attributes are and how Chile uses this source to support energy demand.

For León, this project aims to “encourage and deepen the conversation about natural gas, question some erroneous preconceptions about LNG and bring the industry closer to people, so that they know its contribution to providing security and sustainability to the energy system.”

The episodes will be broadcast every Wednesday during July and September through AGN’s official Spotify and YouTube channels, with different topics and guests for each session.

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