Chevron U.S.A. brands its first CNG retail site

Chevron U.S.A. Inc. announced the Allied Clean Fuels Plaza retail station in Napa, California, has been rebranded as its first CNG site.

June 20, 2021. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. announced the Allied Clean Fuels Plaza retail station in Napa, California, has been rebranded as its first compressed natural gas (CNG) site. Chevron expects to rebrand or open more than 30 CNG sites by 2025.

The announcement underscores Chevron’s commitment to providing affordable, reliable and ever-cleaner energy by increasing renewables and offsets in support of its business. It also builds on Chevron’s previously announced investments, such as ventures with California Bioenergy and Brightmark and its Adopt-a-Port initiative with Clean Energy Fuels, to market renewable natural gas for use in vehicles operating on CNG.

“We are excited to announce our first Chevron-branded CNG station,” said Mike Vomund, Chevron Vice President of Fuels, Americas Fuel & Lubricants. “CNG is part of the portfolio of technologies and solutions Chevron is investing in to reduce the carbon intensity of our products and operations. And our move into the retail CNG space strengthens our commitment to leverage the entire value chain in producing renewable natural gas and offering it to California drivers.”

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